Audrey's Current Age Tracker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, November 2, 2009


Okay so it's Monday morning and I turned my cell phone on and instantly got a reminder to update the blog. Guess I'll have to keep that thing on in order to be reminded. Anyhow, we had a GREAT TIME trick or treating with AJ Saturday night. She was a pirate and her Daddy was Phantom of the Opera. Couldn't get him to sing though. We worked on saying trick or treat all week but all we could get was "WIGAWE". Everyone thought it was adorable and she came home with tons of candy. Success!

Sha wasn't quite sure what to thin of Daddy's get-up.

Hope all is well with you and yours. Stay tuned for more updates next week!


  1. Love the pics! I've told alot of people about the "wigawe" and they thought it was so cute! Good job posting! Keep them coming!


  2. Oh Girl! What fun, and Josh nice costume too. We had fun with Shaeffer, Tony, and Jazzy! I like to call her that. There was a street that went totally all out and there were Kids galore! all in all it was a goolish good time: luv ya, GJ
